Arctic Vibe

The Radioactive Vibe was the boldest-looking Vibe ever produced, and it rolls incredibly. We are kicking the boldness and performance of the line up a notch with the new Arctic Vibe. This Vibe will stand out for its bright white and purple mix, and its screaming backend. Hammer has not produced many two-color Vibes or hybrid options; the Arctic Vibe was strategically developed to enhance the line and not replace the two previously released Vibes since they are still going strong. HK22 – CT Reactive Max is undoubtedly too much cover for this price point, it causes the Arctic Vibe to outperform anything in its category, and that’s ok because Hammerheads will
love it!


  • PART NUMBER 60-108133-93X
  • COLOR Snow / Purple
  • CORE Vibe
  • COVERSTOCK HK22 - CT Max Hybrid
  • COVER TYPE Hybrid Reactive
  • FINISH 500, 1000, 1500 Siaair / Factory Compound
  • WEIGHTS 16-10 Pounds
  • LANE CONDITION Light to medium oil
  • REACTION Strong mid-lane and backend
  • WARRANTY Two years from purchase date
  • RELEASE DATE May 16, 2024


  • 16 lb - RG (2.510) DIFF (0.039)
  • 15 lb - RG (2.510) DIFF (0.042)
  • 14 lb - RG (2.510) DIFF (0.045)
  • 13 lb - RG (2.585) DIFF (0.040)
  • 12 lb - RG (2.608) DIFF (0.040)
  • 11 lb - RG (2.769) DIFF (0.002)
  • 10 lb - RG (2.800) DIFF (0.002)


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Arctic Vibe
Arctic Vibe
Arctic Vibe
Arctic Vibe

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Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Aaron Major
Great High Fraction Ball

I have found myself using this ball as a 1-2 combo with my Scorpion Low Flare lately. the main difference I see is the way that the balls change direction in the midlane. This ball has much more of a heavy roll and I feel that I can keep my angles in front of me on fresh and then open up my angels later when a hook spot opens up. Great for when you feel like your benchmark balls are hooking too early, or if you are bowling on a cliffed house shot.

John O’Neal
Seriously hooking Vibe

My Arctic Vibe out hooks all the balls I have. It gets down the lane and makes a strong turn back to the pocket. If you can’t make it hook you need to learn to roll the ball instead of spinning it.

Mike Romero
Hammer Arctic Vibe

The Hammer Arctic Vibe is the perfect house shot/pattern ball. This ball blends the lanes out very well and is definitely on the higher end of performance with the lower end price range. I have two of these bowling balls, one drilled with an earlier ball reaction (with surface) and one with a later ball reaction (shiny cover). This allows me to stay in the Arctic Vibe longer with strong pin carry. You do not want to miss out on this opportunity to put this in your arsenal for league or house shot tournaments. 

John Spencer
Smooth but still hooks

Great backend for a mid performance ball. 3rd game 255 standing on 32 throwing out to 6. As long as I don’t overthrow is as I move left, it comes back and continues through the pins.

Michael Anthony
The Melted Artic

The Artic Vibe is the third bowling ball I've owned; and, it is by far, the worst ball I've owned. My first ball, way back in the 1990's was a 16lb Black Hammer; a great ball. My second ball was a 15lb Melee with huge hook. The Artic Vibe is does not even belong on the lane. It has barely any hook, in fact, I took a plastic house ball, and made it hook more than the Vibe. I'm sorry Hammer, but you missed it with this one. The Artic has melted, and it just meander's aimlessly.