Pure Envy

The Next Great Hammer Ball!

Combining great features from different successful bowling balls to create even better new balls is exactly how Pure Envy was created. A lot of development goes into creating the next great Hammer ball, and with Hammer’s extensive catalog of successful cores and covers, the process is extensive but exciting. The goal with Pure Envy was to complement the performance of the Extreme Envy in oil and provide backend motion in a dull ball that reminds Hammer fans of the Effect. To accomplish this goal, we started with multiple core designs, and the clear winner from our testing was the original Launcher core. The Launcher core numbers are strong; the high differential and asymmetry help create the big overall motion. The cover options with Hammer’s additive packages are vast, but the new Cohesion additive combined with HK22 that was first seen in the Effect creates an unmatched ability for backend traction, and this, along with surface, gives Hammer fans a new big ball for oil. You will not want to hit the lanes without Pure Envy in your bag this bowling season. 


  • PART NUMBER 60-108241-93X
  • COLOR Black / Pink / Purple
  • CORE Launcher
  • COVERSTOCK HK22 - Cohesion Hybrid
  • COVER TYPE Hybrid Reactive
  • FINISH 500, 2000 Siaair Micro Pad
  • WEIGHTS 16-12 Pounds
  • LANE CONDITION Heavy oil
  • REACTION Strong overall hook
  • WARRANTY Two years from purchase date
  • RELEASE DATE September 19, 2024


  • 16 lb - RG (2.517) DIFF (0.047) ASY (0.019)
  • 15 lb - RG (2.505) DIFF (0.055) ASY (0.021)
  • 14 lb - RG (2.550) DIFF (0.055) ASY (0.017)
  • 13 lb - RG (2.597) DIFF (0.041) ASY (0.014)
  • 12 lb - RG (2.593) DIFF (0.041) ASY (0.014)


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    Pure Envy
    Pure Envy
    Pure Envy

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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 22 reviews
    Aaron Major
    Top of my Bag

    I have had my Pure Envy for a while now and it has seen many phases of surface changes and detoxes. What has always remained consistent with this ball though has been the fact that it has always been my strongest overall ball in my bag. Depending on whether I'm gonna be competing on a house shot or a sport shot will dictate the surface needed whether it's surfaced with 1K or has a coat of shine. This core is one of the earliest rolling cores that I have and really comes in handy in situations where it is tighter down lane. Having this type core with a really versatile cover is what really makes this ball special!

    Jason Miller
    Pure Envy!

    On February 19 I got my Pure Envy. Got it all layed out and drilled. The next morning to make sure the ball fit me well I took it out on to the lanes. I threw maybe a dozen shots on a burned up house shot. My initial reaction to the ball was not good. I put it away and told my self that I would give it a try on fresh oil that evening. Later that evening I pull it out in practice and it was a little bit better. I think most of the problem was me. As soon as the scores came on it was a whole new night. I start with the front 9 and the end up with 272. Next game I make a small move and shoot 266. To state the last game I start with a stone 9 and pick it up. And the it was off to the races. I end the last game with 11 in a row for 290. I have never bowled this well in my life. 828 is a very high set in our center. Hammer makes the best and hardest hitting bowling balls on the planet. It is true nothing hit like a hammer.

    Initially I Was Not Sure At First I Do However Like This Ball

    I Finally Decided to Go a head and purchase the pure Envy About 3 weeks ago. I didn't feel the need to pick this one up the week it was released. I want to say the later part of October?

    Anyway I Decided I wanted another Hybrid stronger then my Scorpion Low Flare but earlier than my BW 2.0 Hybird. So after doing my own research I decided the Pure envy was probably what. I was looking for. However since the numbers were very close to the original Envy Solid. Which I still have and Like I decided I could hold off until January after holidays.

    So First box I was thinking I made mistake. The thing was hooking the entire lane and then some. Even though I was on a sport pattern. On that particular night 24 Ballard. There were probably a few reasons why it was initially uncontrollable. The combination of the cohesion additive to the cover stock, and my slower ball speed were probably big factors.

    Missing Warmups the first night I threw it probably didn't help any either.

    I took my lumps the first 3 games out of the box, but I could tell the end of game 2 though the ball was probably what I was looking for. I also saw a couple reviews that said this ball is better once you get some shots on it. There is even a review on YouTube titled this ball sucks till doesn't! Lol seriously I agree with the video reviews for this ball that basically imply, and in the case of one reviewer flat out says you need to get some shots with this ball to settle it down.

    I did after my first 3 games with the ball also adjusted the surface by hand to tame down the back end a little.

    If anyone is actually reading my review, and are still thinking about this ball. I would say if you decide to pick one up. Don't give up on it right away. If it seems to strong. It does calm down. In theory it won't take you 2 and half games like it did for me. I throw the ball slower then most bowlers So it took me a little longer than it probably would take probably almost any other bowler. Like I also said I was late getting to the center my first night using the ball. I missed the 10 Minute warmup, and then had had to bowl my first 3 frames back to back to back to catch up. So that too probably slowed my learning curve with Pure Envy.

    All that being said. I do really like this ball 10 games later, it now does what I thought it will do for my my game.

    I definitely do like it better in my PBA experience sport leauge on Friday nights Although I did use it in my house league last week some just to see what it would do on a fresh house shot. Honestly though every ball i own is too strong for my house league with the exception of my old clear plastic ball from 1997.

    The Pure Envy is what I expected it would be for me at least on the sport patterns.

    Again if anyone who reads this review. If you haven't purchased this one yet, but think it will fit your game. By all means go out, and buy one. Just be aware. You might need to be patient with it. Don't assume you made a mistake if it is too strong initially. The Pure Envy does calm down. How long it takes will vary from bowler to bowler depending on their indviual style. Minor surface adjustments might be needed as well. I waited till after the end of my first night with the ball in my bag before taking a Aberlon Sanding pad to it at home.

    My only real word of advice. Don't Miss warmup the first night you use this ball!

    Simon Tremblay
    Give it time ;) you won’t regret it

    The pure envy is a very strong piece offered by Hammer. If you are like me, the first couple of shots might have you scratching your head. At first, the ball acts like a heavy rolling ball but seems to be lacking a little something on the back part of the lane. Be patient, throw it a game or 2 and you will quickly start seeing a difference. Once it starts having a bit of lane shine, it continues to read early but gets more continuous in the back and you will start seeing a reaction that will
    Make you want to keep that ball in your tournament bag. Definitely a good option for longer patterns, medium high volume patterns and speed dominant players.
    Try one, you will appreciate it ;)

    Brent Watson
    Hammer Pure Envy

    The new Pure Envy is the best rolling Envy to date. The Envy series is know for big asymmetrical rolly ball motion. The Pure Envy takes the rolly to the next level, with HK22 with Cohesion. You get the same great rolly ball motion that is cleaner through the fronts and more pop downlane. This is definitely best of both worlds for medium to oily lane conditions. I have used the Pure envy on sport and house conditions with a lot of success.