Scorpion Low Flare


Smooth. Predictable. Deadly.

Hammer is always looking at adding balls to the line to fill gaps and make it the game’s most versatile and complete line. Low flare cores have been a staple for Hammer, and currently, the Envy Tour balls are extremely popular, but we haven’t had a symmetric low flare in a while. We are excited to add the Scorpion Low Flare to the lineup. Removing the flip puck from the LED 3.0 core found inside the Scorpion Sting lowered the differential and flare potential, making this ball a perfect fit for Hammer. The Scorpion Low Flare will be a smooth and predictable ball motion, driven by the core numbers and the Semtex Hybrid cover, finished at 2000 Siaair. All styles will love the Scorpion Low Flare; higher rev rates will use it on anything, and lower rev rate players will find it useful on tricky conditions, and when the lanes are transitioning, either way, you won’t want to show up to bowling without one.


  • PART NUMBER 60-108085-93X
  • COLOR Purple / Black Pearl
  • CORE LED 3.0 Low Flare
  • COVERSTOCK Semtex Hybrid
  • COVER TYPE Hybrid Reactive
  • FINISH 500, 1000, 2000 Siaair Micro Pad
  • WEIGHTS 16-12 Pounds
  • LANE CONDITION Medium oil
  • REACTION Strong arc
  • WARRANTY Two years from purchase date
  • RELEASE DATE January 25, 2024


  • 16 lb - RG (2.482) DIFF (0.028)
  • 15 lb - RG (2.474) DIFF (0.031)
  • 14 lb - RG (2.524) DIFF (0.031)
  • 13 lb - RG (2.585) DIFF (0.040)
  • 12 lb - RG (2.608) DIFF (0.040)


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Scorpion Low Flare bowling ball
Scorpion Low Flare
Scorpion Low Flare
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Customer Reviews

Based on 30 reviews
Aaron Major
Great High Fraction Ball

At this point, I have gotten my share of shots with this ball and I'm really impressed with it. This ball is the perfect fit in my bag for when I need something that isn't going to overhook in a friction spot. This could be when my benchmark balls are hooking a little too early on fresh conditions or if I'm playing on a really cliffed (wet/dry), high ratio house shot. Comparing to the Arctic Vibe this has more traction in the midlane and an overall slower ball shape.

Scorpion low flare

Smooth, predictable and looks great where it is most needed. Though the pins.


I bought this on release day the same time the Widow 3.0 came out. Drilled them both. I wanted this one to replace my Purple Solid and be a ball I could throw straight up the 10 on most house shots. Turns out, this one needed more oil than I thought. While it truly is a low-flaring ball, it really has an aggressive backend when throwing straight up or with about 5 boards of angle. I goes pretty clean through the midlane at about 16mph for me and I can play middle of approach with it. I shot some 270 games with it once I found a good "zone" to play house shots with, but this ball has the least amount of forgiveness when missing your mark. When it gets just a tiny bit of friction it likes to take off. When there is a bit of carry down it likes to get "wobbly" and not move at all. This ball is good for a first game on fresh, but I'm not confident enough with it to keep it in the bag. I do take it to tournaments but have yet to throw it.

Jesse H
Best Low Flare Option Out!

My first intial thought was wow this ball is earlier than i thought it would be. Let it lane shine up and watch it come to life on house. Then on sport, it take on more surface just as well. Great smooth, predictable ball motion that has allowed me to keep the ball in front of me longer. Dont miss out on this ball! Get it today!

Smooth and Controllable

This ball reminds me of the Web Tour Edition. The Web Tour Edition had a little stronger cover and big sense of direction change. The Scorpion Low Flare has the same big sense of directional change but with a more consistent cover to keep it in play.