Juiced Maxx cover provides easy length with a controllable back end. A great ball on medium to drier conditions. My take a little longer and a little stronger than the ever popular Vibe line.
Hey Y'all.... Stefanie Johnson here.... this is absolutely one of my favorite symmetrical pearls in my bag (the web pearl is a close second!) Strong overall backend motion for me yet still controllable. Love it!
This is one of those special pieces that goes with me everywhere. I have one pin-up and another pin-down, they give me two different motions and both of them strike a lot. The pin-down layout keeps the motion predictable and is ideal when I want to keep my angles straighter through the fronts, while the pin-up lets me get in deep and open up the lane while still having enough pop in the back to run over the 8-pin. This is one of my all-time favorites!
If you're looking for a predictable and consistent ball, the Rhodman Pearl is it. Very good at box finish or tune the cover for your desired reaction.